We Are All Winos

We’re a generation of wine-bingers. Grape guzzlers. Winos.

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Or at least that’s what was recently unearthed by the Wine Market Council—a nonprofit group comprised of everyone involved with the wine business: growers, sellers, importers, etc.—in new research about wine consumption habits.

WMC found that there has been a millennial based surge in high frequency wine drinkers—those who drink wine multiple times a week. It estimated that those wine drinkers consume 3.1 glasses per sitting. WMC’s studies also found that millennials represent 30 percent of high frequency drinkers and that women, especially educated professionals, are more likely than men to indulge in the fermented grape.

Wine Spectator added that more than half of millennial wine drinkers mentioned the alcoholic grape juice on Facebook and used social media for “wine-sharing purposes.”

I can’t say I’m terribly surprised by any of these findings. Once the bottle is open, it’s hard to say no. Wine goes bad if you don’t drink it immediately, right?

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Images via GIPHY

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